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What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Hair – बाल
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Eyes – आंखें
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Mouth – मुंह
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Arm – बांह, भुजा
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Tooth, Teeth – दांत
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Back – कमर, पीठ
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Shoulder – कन्धा
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Stomach – पेट
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Knee – घुटना
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Throat – गला
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Leg – टांग
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Hand – हाथ
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Nose – नाक
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Ear – कान
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Foot – पैर
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Head – सिर
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Face – चेहरा
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Smiley Face – हंसमुख
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Neck – गरदन
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Beard – दाढ़ी
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Moustache – मूंछ
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Hip – कूल्हा
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Nail – नाखून
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Skin – त्वचा, खाल
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Fist – मुठ्ठी
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Lip – होंठ
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Blood – रक्त
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Brow – भौंह
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Elbow – कोहनी
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Navel – नाभि
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Armpit – बगल, कांख
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Chin – ठुड्डी
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Forehead – माथा
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Cheek – गाल
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Ankle – टखना
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Brain – दिमाग
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Face – चेहरा
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Eyebrow – भौं
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Eyelid – पलक
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Tongue – जीभ
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Heart – ह्रदय
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Toe – पैर की उंगली
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Body – शरीर
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Fingers – अंगुलियाँ
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Thumb – अंगूठा
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Intestine – आंत
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Heel – एढ़ी
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Larynx – कंठ
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Temple – कनपटी
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Wrist – कलाई
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Skull – खोपड़ी
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Kidney – गुर्दा
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Knee – घुटना
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Chest – छाती
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Jaw – जबड़ा
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Thigh – जाँघ
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Liver – जिगर
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Joint – जोड़
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Nostril – नथुना
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Nerve – नस
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Paw – पंजा
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Rib – पसली
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Lung – फेफड़ा
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Muscles – माँसपेशी
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Spine – रीढ़
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Bone – हड्डी
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Palm – हथेली
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Belly – पेट
What is the name of Body Part?
School Finds
Answer: Calf – पिंडली
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