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S.N Memorial Public school

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S.N Memorial Public school

SF Code: 248007
Address: Dehradun Road, Village Bhauwala, Via Prem Nagar
Contact Number: 9411110661
Description: S.N. Memorial Public School is the Best CBSE School in Dehradun city. It aims to provide quality education at affordable fees structure to the students to produce caring and responsible citizens and leaders of the future. SNM School is a co-educational English medium school. There are classes from Nursery to 12th, conscious efforts are made to teach the reading habit and develop communication skills.
The School has complete facilities for providing IT Education to the Students. The school has Interactive computer-aided classrooms especially smart TATA edge classes that empowers teachers to transform the traditional blackboard and chalk method into interactive sessions.
SNM School has advanced science lab which helps the student to emphasize their knowledge and concentrate on learning through discovery.
The school provides a bus facility that is equipped with a Vehicle Tracking System (VTS) and onboard cameras. This allows the School to monitor the speed and location of the route.
The School bus driver is very experienced who brings safe children to school and leaves home.
SNM School has been made strict arrangements to take care of the health of the students. Immediate first aid/medical care is provided to students whenever such contingency arises. Medical check-ups are also done.
Our School has trained coaches which lay great emphasis on sports activities for the complete development of the student's personality.
SNM Public School also promotes cultural programs and co-curricular activities to students of all ages.
Other Info: S.N. Memorial Public School is the Best CBSE School in Dehradun city. It aims to provide quality education at affordable fees structure to the students to produce caring and responsible citizens and leaders of the future. SNM School is a co-educational English medium school. There are classes from Nursery to 12th, conscious efforts are made to teach the reading habit and develop communication skills.
The School has complete facilities for providing IT Education to the Students. The school has Interactive computer-aided classrooms especially smart TATA edge classes that empowers teachers to transform the traditional blackboard and chalk method into interactive sessions.

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Short Description S.N. Memorial Public School is the Best CBSE School in Dehradun city. It aims to provide quality education at affordable fees structure to the students to produce caring and responsible citizens and leaders of the future. SNM School is a co-educational English medium school. There are classes from Nursery to 12th, conscious efforts are made to teach the reading habit and develop communication skills. The School has complete facilities for providing IT Education to the Students. The school has Interactive computer-aided classrooms especially smart TATA edge classes that empowers teachers to transform the traditional blackboard and chalk method into interactive sessions.
School Address Dehradun Road, Village Bhauwala, Via Prem Nagar
School Phone 9411110661
Schoo Email
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Medium English
Board Type CBSE
Gender Co-Education
Class XII
Facilities Smart Education

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